Glen Mhor Filling Store


A lovely image from A.D. Cameron's book on the Caledonian Canal, allows us to see into the Glen Mhor filling store.

This is an easy photograph to date with the casks confirming its 1959 and a previously unseen area of the distillery that we can now document.

What's of particular interest is the size of 2000 gallons was noted in the 1894 Glen Mhor Supplement, possibly suggesting that this piece of equipment remained in use throughout the life of Glen Mhor.

My thanks to Alan for the image and to Rose for tidying it up for our future enjoyment.

This image is credited to Highland News in the book itself, which dates from a 1972 publication. Hopefully, we can find further images like this one in our ongoing research.

Update 24th April 2024

Thanks to Gladys for identifying the worker rolling the cask as Tom Piery.
