A new pace
Thanks to everyone that has helped so far to create this wonderful Glen Mhor tribute and resource. There is still a huge amount of digging and searching to be done - the hunt never ends.
However, to enable this, I need to step away from the daily post format. This will grant me time to research new documents and seek out new finds. I know there is more Glen Mhor out there, but I need the time to find it. As this resource becomes more complete and details, for every find, there must be a considered approach to where it fits and the impact on any existing information.
For now, I expect weekly posts, I also need to start reviewing whiskies. I have a handful of canal-related images to consider and invoices from 1917 along with statistical reports. There are also some suggestions as to new avenues which might provide new insight.
This project will continue and if you do have anything related to Glen Mhor, please reach out.
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