Glen Mhor Log Book 23rd November 1938


We arrive in the winter of 1938 and a request to repair the discharge cock (valve) from the No.2 Low Wines Still. 

What's of interest other than the actual work involved, is that this is the newer of the 3 stills available at Glen Mhor. So, after just over a decade of use, we're seeing the need to do repairs, including valves on this still, which was the largest of the 3 available and we do have several images of it, including this one

'Customs & Excise

Glen Mhor Distillery


November 23rd 1938


On Friday last, the 18th, inst, the discharge cock of the No.2 Low Wines Still was found to be leaking slightly. Upon receiving notice from the trader (Mackinlay's and Birnie Ltd.) to remove the defective cock and fit a new one, I allowed the work to proceed immediately, as a matter of urgency.

The work of fitting the new cock was completed yesterday, the 22nd. I have examined the cock and I am satisfied

(a) that it is of the same size and pattern as the old one.

(b) that it is securely fixed in position, and the bolts on the flanges have been properly riveted. 

I am, Sir, 

Your Obedient Servant,

G. Peel, officer.

Margin entry: Approved 29 Nov.1938'

Looking for additional insight on this entry, I sent the page to Alan Winchester once again for his valued opinion:

'When we used to charge the stills with cooler liquids, one of the checks after the still was filled was to put your hand on the pipe of the discharge, if there was a leak you could feel the cold liquid against the warm pipe, quite effectively, it appears there was not a drop in attenuation, so they have caught this quickly.

The old brass valves used to be maintained at silent season, by regrinding them in, so they maybe were expecting it not to last.

The ensuring the bolts were riveted, is to ensure the security of someone drawing the liquid by slackening the bolts, the C&E (Customs & Excise) always required this, and the officer would check this on survey.

Yes, the routine of a distillery, but captured when C&E had tight control of a distillery.'

Interesting to have this insight into the old ways, some of which no longer are needed today. Especially the use of cooler liquids which seems a simple method and yet surprisingly effective using your ability to sense changes in temperature. And the regrinding of the brass valves (cock) to enable distilling to continue.

We're left with more insight into the conversations between the workers and the officials, to ensure the Glen Mhor was produced. 

This Log Book comes from the Highland Archives Centre (HCA/D31/4/1/25) and is watermarked for its protection. As with any images on this website, please ask first before using and always give credit. My thanks to the Centre for their assistance.
